District Attorney
The Victims Needs Survey (VNS) has been designed to gather insights from crime victims across Pennsylvania as to their personal experiences as victims of crime, their awareness of available support services, and their ability to access these resources. If you are, or have been, a victim of crime in Washington County, please take a few minutes to complete the following survey by either clicking on the link https://iup.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1GNvbUsLyh0XYy2?UNIQID=1135 or by scanning the bar code below. You can access the QR code by opening your mobile phone or tablet camera app, selecting the rear facing camera, centering the code on the screen, and tapping the notification that appears on the screen to open the link.

The Washington County Office of the District Attorney strives to protect our communities and ensure justice. We fairly investigate, and aggressively prosecute, criminal activity throughout our County. We zealously enforce the law and the rights of crime victims. Our goal is to keep Washington County safe and secure by effectively working with the entire law enforcement community. We fight for justice in the courts, seek appropriate punishment for those who commit crimes, provide complete assistance to victims of crime, and offer community-based crime prevention programs to educate the public.
About The District Attorney
Jason M. Walsh, District Attorney

Jason Walsh joined the District Attorney’s office in 2016. Prior to that he was in private practice at Bigi and Walsh, in Charleroi Pa., for 20 years. Jason is a lifelong resident of Washington County and grew up in Donora, Pa. He graduated from St. Francis University in 1993 and Ohio Northern School of Law in 1996. During his tenure in the District Attorney’s office to date, he has prosecuted major crimes to include homicides and other major felonies. In his role as District attorney, he will continue to prosecute major crimes in addition to his administrative duties as the District Attorney.
Jason lives in Carroll Township with his wife Rebecca and their four children.
Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition
Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) is an alternative to criminal prosecution and allows first time offenders to go through treatment and rehabilitation. It is available to DUI and non-DUI offenders. However, it is a privilege granted under the recommendation of the District Attorney and the discretion of the trial court.
Fast Track Program
The Fast Track Program provides a speedy procedural mechanicalism for the resolution of relatively minor and/or non-violent criminal cases prior to being placed on the trial list. This program reduces docket congestion for the criminal trial list by processing relatively minor cases directly from the District Justice level. The Fast Track Program also reduces court costs and time by eliminating the need for repeat court appearances by court agencies and benefits victims by eliminating court appearances.
Probation Without Verdict
Probation Without Verdict is a program that an offender may be placed in if he or she pleads guilty or nolo contendere (neither admitting or denying he or she committed the crime) to non-violent offense under the Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act and also proves that he or she is drug dependent. Probation Without Verdict is available to an offender only once and is within the discretion of the district attorney’s office.
Report Crime
You can report crime in your neighborhood by calling (800) 4PA-TIPS. However, in an emergency, 9-1-1 should be called immediately.

District Attorney
Jason M. Walsh
26 South Main Street
Washington, PA 15301