We publish a statistical report each year. The purpose is multifold: the statistics benefit the community and help shed light on situations and communities which may be in need of resources. For example, overdose prevention agencies might use our statistics to understand the scope and the geographic distribution of deaths resulting from overdose. The report is also our 'receipt' to the taxpayers: it outlines the number of deaths we've responded to, the number of autopsies we've performed, and in general, how we're utilizing our resources. We hope that you find the reports useful.
The complete 2022 Statistical Report is now available at the link below.
For 2022, we've slightly improved on the reporting format introduced in 2020. The report now features a more verbose breakdown of natural deaths investigated by the office. Also, the Municipal Occurrence report, which was rolled into the overall statistical report beginning last year, was moved to the beginning of the report. We're also now providing a little more information about overdoses, such as the percentage and actual number seen for each compound found which caused or hastened a death. In 2022, we investigated a total of 2,918 reports of death. An autopsy was ordered in 274 of those cases, just over 10.6 percent.
Also, the Municipal Occurrence report, which was rolled into the overall statistical report beginning last year, was moved to the beginning of the report. We're also now providing a little more information about overdoses, such as the percentage and actual number seen for each compound found which caused or hastened a death.
In 2022, we investigated a total of 2,918 reports of death. An autopsy was ordered in 274 of those cases, just over 10.6 percent.
2022 Death Statistics Overview - Deaths by Manner
Natural Deaths | 35% | Accidental Deaths | 45% |
Suicides | 13% | Homicides | 4% |
Undetermined | 6% |
95 W Beau St, Washington, PA 15301 | 724-228-6700
General Hours: 9:00am - 4:30pm, M-F (some departments may vary -- call before visiting)